Kensington House - OPENSTUDIO
Kensington House

A new-build house in central London represents a rare opportunity to explore three-dimensional space, light and a close connection between interior and external environments.

Located on a corner site, close to the red-brick Basil Spence Kensington Town Hall, the house uses a consistent set of natural materials, colours and integrated planting to create a spatially fluid environment which is tactile and unusual in its variation and openness. Existing trees, which define the southern boundary of the site, create an urban forest which becomes part of the architecture of the house. The trees inspired the planting contained within the new dwelling, which becomes one of the materials of the building. Voids and gardens within the house allow light and colour to penetrate between floors, creating unexpected patterns over the course of the day and year.

Soft mud-grey bricks, laid in a 13th century monk bond pattern, are used in the external and internal walls, while a single timber (European walnut) is used for all the doors, joinery, staircase and screens.

The materials of the house were chosen in close dialogue with the client, who wanted to create an extraordinary house which reflected their love of nature and texture. Care has been taken to maintain variation and natural patterns. The integrity of the materials becomes fundamental to the character of the building.

This house is currently under construction.
