Innovation Square: The city space that tells the story of Birmingham.
Birmingham was built on technological innovation. Our proposal for Centenary Square integrates key events in the history of the city into a layered contemporary landscape, which accommodates future innovation.
The proposal both enables connections to the network of public spaces throughout the city and interaction with a flexible landscape. People will initiate and transform events in the space, encouraging interaction.
Springs, Forest, Hill, Steam, Canals, Wharf and Light have been selected as elements which introduce the layers of city history into a contemporary urban space.
Our proposal responds to the client’s request for an intelligent layered landscape that celebrates the city. In an increasingly anonymous world it creates a space that could be built nowhere else.The project was selected as one of five short-listed entries out of 185 submissions, for an open RIBA competition. We have collaborated with United Visual Artists on the project.
Artist: UVA
Landscape Architects: Wilson McWilliam